2020 Festival
5th edition (online)
MTL Clowns presents: the 5th edition of the Montreal Clown Festival
New Recipes
free digital events
OCT 1-4, 2020

Video Pop-ups
In rotation all week-end
OCT 1-4, 2020 – Facebook
Ander Gates | Céline Jolin | Évelyne Laniel | Philippe Thibaudeau
Alicia Payne | Morro and Jasp
Knowing Pochinko
Round Table*
OCT 2, 2020, 19h – YouTube
With: John Turner / Miriam Cusson / Elsa Menendez / Jacqueline Russell / Jed Tomlinson
Moderated by Vanessa Rigaux, Artistic Director, Montreal Clown Festival
(in English)
What do we know about Richard Pochinko? John Turner of the Manitoulin Conservatory for Creation and Performance (The Clown Farm) and several students/colleagues discuss in a round table discussion. Fostering an intergenerational, intercultural, and interdisciplinary dialogue around passing down knowledge of Pochinko training.
Clown Disco Party!
Saturday Night
Oct 3, 2020, 21h – ZOOM
Special 5 MINUTE dance party
To celebrate our 5 year festival anniversary

Outdoor Pop-ups!
*Unfortunately all outdoor performances planned were cancelled due to COVID.
4 outdoor pop-up performances / 3 secret locations
Outdoor shows (part of New Recipes/Nouvelles Recettes) are not being announced and will be surprise pop ups to passers-by in 3 secret locations. Performers will not be allowed to perform if they have not conformed with the health and safety guidelines of the Quebec Health Department.

Mille Linda
Doloreze Léonard
Throughout the performances, the lovely Mlle Linda will keep the audience safe and separate!

Phil d’Ariane
Ariane Cabana & Philibert Hébert Fillion

Tim & Joe
Tim Tylor & Joe de Paul

Josiane Proteau

Francis & Françoise
Vanessa Kneale & Stéphane Landry