Les Robert

About The Show

Les Robert
, Sherbrooke

04.26 – 17 h & 18 h 30
Esplanade Tranquille, rue St-Catherine West, Montreal
All ages – In French
30 mins

Les Robert is a masked comedy combining theatre, masked play, comedy, sound exploration and juggling. The two characters are salvagers and sellers of used goods, dragging a cart with them. On this cart is a large number of different materials: scrap metal, pipes and objects salvaged from all sorts of places. As they set up their kiosk, they approach the public directly to discuss the goods they own, and their value, creating discussion and reflection on the consumption of objects and their usefulness.  

Co-created and co-directed by: Étienne Leclerc et Cyril Assathiany

Partenariat Quartier des Spectacles

