Beaver Dreams
About The Show
The best dam show! Laissez monsieur castor vous transporter dans une aventure incroyable à travers les forêts du Québec, sous la menace croissante des édifications de l’homme. Get wet witnessing a side of beaver life you’ve never seen. Une production originale de Lost & Found Puppet Co. with puppetry, clowning and animation.
Beaver Dreams tells a story about a family of beavers and a family of humans living in the heart of the Quebecois forest. The beavers go about their daily life; gnawing on wood and building dams. The humans try to go about their typical summer chalet activities; sun tanning on the dock, dancing in the moon light. But when the dam raises the water level over the dock’s edge there is a perpetual struggle between construction and destruction, between the animal and its adversaries. Both the beavers and the humans experience the same nightmare depicting commercial development that threatens their corner of paradise. What if the beavers thought the same as us?

Beaver Dreams
French & English
30 Minutes
All Ages
BILLED with Les Dancing Queens
13 sept 20:15 Tickets
14 sept 20:30 Tickets
Facebook Event
Lost & Found Puppet Co.
Maggie Winston is a puppeteer and community engaged artist who facilitates transformative creative processes with an emphasis on inclusion and imagination. Originally from Baltimore, MD, USA, Maggie graduated from Carver Centre for Arts and Technology (MD, USA), she received a BA in Performance/Puppetry at Sarah Lawrence College (NY, USA), and trained at British American Drama Academy (London, UK). She received clown training at Fantastic Space Enterprises (BC, Canada). Recipient of Vancouver Mayor’s Arts Award- Emerging Artist in Community Arts (2010). She has been an artist in residence through programs with ArtStarts BC, Vancouver Biennale, Vancouver School Board, Vancouver Parks & Recreation, and Instruments of Change. In Montréal, “Beaver Dreams”-La Fiévre du Castor has been presented at the St. Ambroise Festival Fringe, Festival Casteliers, and The Centaur Children’s Series. Maggie is currently teaching theatre for children at Geordie Productions and Montreal Children’s Theatre.
Lost & Found Puppet Co., originally created in 2007 in Vancouver. BC, is now based in Montréal, QC (since 2016). Members of the company consist of Maggie Winston and any person joining it for any given project. L&FPCo. produces original performances, facilitates community engaged art projects, and teaches puppetry and performance workshops for various ages and abilities. We are dedicated to promoting the art of puppetry as a unique and valued art form everyone can experience.